Types of International Negotiations
We are constantly negotiating various issues during our daily activities. But the negotiation we do to meet our daily needs is very different from international and commercial negotiations. In international negotiations, we look for gain interests in the international arena, which are sometimes long-term interests. Therefore, we are not dealing with temporary and short-term interests. Therefore, the negotiations to achieve this goal will have a very different atmosphere from our other negotiations and will be more sensitive.
In this article, we are going to discuss 6 items of international negotiations.
1) Win-Lose Negotiation
In this type of international negotiations, one party will necessarily be a loser and the other party will be a winner. That is, the negotiation is able to bring one party to the maximum interest, but the other party will not get even the minimum interest. Even such negotiations may last for a long time, but still, in the end, one party will not leave the negotiation satisfied, even with the assumption of obtaining a relative profit.

2) Win-Win Negotiation
In this type of negotiation, both parties win and no one leaves the negotiation table as a loser. This model is the most common and acceptable type of negotiation in which the maximum satisfaction of both parties is provided. The main basis of this type of negotiation is to keep it friendly and share the possible interests from it equally.

3) Lose-Lose Negotiation
It is a negotiation that none of the parties haven’t achieved their desired result. In fact, lose-lose negotiation is an example of the proverb “half a loaf is better than none”. It means that the parties finally give in to conditions that are not satisfactory for any of them. Despite the lose – lose outcome of this negotiation, the parties must agree with each other to reach a common point.
4) Hostile Negotiations
In this model of negotiations, there is a strong competitive atmosphere. Each of the parties seeks to secure their own interests and exclude the other party and his/her interests. Lose-lose negotiations and sometimes even Win-Lose negotiations create such an atmosphere. Because in any case, one side of the negotiation is doomed to lose, and this is not a desirable issue for any of the parties.
5) Multi-Party Negotiations
These negotiations are associated with many challenges and may last for years. These negotiations need professional and diplomatic techniques to be fruitful.
6) RADPAC Negotiations
It is one of the most common types of international negotiations, which is an abbreviation of 6 words.
Rapport: In the sense of mutual understanding: this factor makes the two parties establish a more appropriate and convenient communication with each other.
Analysis: It means that the negotiation parties should be aware of each other’s conditions and ideals and have a correct analysis.
Debate: In the meaning of discussion: the negotiating parties must talk to reach a common point and convince each other. Of course, they should also remember that they should avoid conflict with each other.
Propose: The parties try to express all the ideas that they think can be effective in advancing their negotiations, and during these proposals, reach a conclusion and a point of commonality.
Agreement: in the meaning of agreement: summarizing the negotiations and reaching a common point.
Close: it means to close the negotiation: end of negotiation and make a commitment or close the contract.
Up To Sum
All of us are always negotiating during our daily activities even if we don’t realize it. At first glance, it may seem that negotiation is specific to international situations or business, but in fact, we use the negotiation process even in relation to our family and friends. Therefore, it is better to learn the types of negotiation and its techniques to use in appropriate situations.