Principles of Customer Persuasion اصول متقاعد سازی مشتری

Principles of Customer Persuasion

Principles of Customer Persuasion

Principles of customer persuasion is one of the most important things in selling goods and services to customers.

Importance of Customer Persuasion

The purpose of starting a business is to sell and earn money. If we want our business to sell, we need a customer to be able to persuade him/her to buy. The principles of customer persuasion are the most important principles in business that we must learn the methods of customer persuasion.

Customer Persuasion Methods

1. Making Eye Contact

Establishing eye contact is one of the principles of persuading customers, which creates a sense of trust in the customer and makes the customer listen to our words. Until eye contact is established, the customer does not trust us and does not accept our words.

2. Being Honest with the Customer

Most sellers think that if they lie about their products and services, they will sell more products, which rarely happens. As a result, it causes customer distrust. In addition, we should not reduce the sales at once and we should convert the current customer into a permanent customer.
It is worth mentioning that in cases where the customer knows about the quality of our product, when we want to lie to the customer about the quality of the product, it causes the customer to mistrust us. If we want to convince the customer to buy, we must be honest with him/her.

3. Increase Information about the Product

One of the very important principles of persuading customers is giving additional explanations about the product or service. In cases where the seller does not know about the product and cannot answer the buyer’s questions, it causes the customer to be discouraged towards the seller. When we don’t know what product we offer, we can’t expect the customer to want to buy our product or service.

Principles of Customer Persuasion اصول متقاعدسازی مشتری
4. Create a Sense of Need in the Customer

The most important purpose of our purchase is to solve the needs that are solved by this product. In cases where the buyer does not have a purpose for his/her purchase, we must create a feeling of need in the customer so that he/she considers this product as one of his/her life obligations and has no doubts about his/her purchase.

5. Inducing the Wrong Feeling for Do not Buy Products

One of the effective methods in the principles of persuading customers is to convince the customer that if he/she does not buy this product, his/her life will not be complete and his/her work will always remain incomplete without purchase.

6. Giving Discounts to Customers

Two of the most common misconceptions about selling products and services physically are, “Prices are flat.” and “we do not have a discount”. We can give the customer the appearance of a discount and give him/her the feeling of getting a discount. This will convince the customer to buy. Discount is one of the important principles of customer persuasion.

Principles of Customer Persuasion اصول متقاعد سازی مشتری
7. Selection of Incentives Category

One of the important methods of customer persuasion is packaging incentives for products. In many cases, a person makes a purchase without considering the features and by seeing the product packaging. In other cases, seeing the wrong packaging, he/she does not go to the product; no matter how high quality it is.

8. Providing After-Sales Service

After-sales service is a guarantee for the comfort of the customer, which saves the person from possible problems and many troubles. So, if we want to convince the customer to buy, our After-sales service must be flawless.

9. Increasing the Quality of Products

If we want to have loyal customers who are convinced to buy our product at every stage, we must work on increasing the quality of our products. In simple words, if our products do not have quality, we have lost one of the high levels of importance for customers and we are the only losers.

10. Using the Advertising Method

Advertising is a method of persuading customers that play different tricks on the customer’s mind in order to sell the offered products and services. There are many methods for advertising that we should use several methods according to the scale of our business. It is worth mentioning that the use of social networks is mandatory for business and one of the best ways to convince customers.

Up To Sum

The methods of persuading customers to buy products and services is a process that starts from the beginning of product production and reaches after-sales services. The cycle that exists for customer persuasion methods starts from producing a quality product and reaches after-sales service.


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