Customer Satisfaction Strategy
Customer satisfaction strategy is one of the most important success indicators in business. Obtaining customer satisfaction provides a fundamental perspective on customer issues and improving business performance. Experience has shown that what drives away customers is not the high price of products and services; Rather, it is the weak relationship with the customer and the lack of customer satisfaction.
In fact, there is no solution for complete customer satisfaction, and even the most successful businesses may lose their customers. However, it is very important to have a customer-centric mindset that helps in decision-making and business management.
Reasons of Customer Satisfaction Strategy
1. Focus on Measuring Customer Satisfaction
Measuring customer satisfaction is very important. With this, you can easily measure the performance of the company or any business.
2. Rewarding Loyal Customers
Rewarding loyal customers, even if it’s something small and inexpensive, is valuable to the customer and increases their satisfaction.
3. Communicate with Customers
Customer relationship and customer satisfaction are closely related. If we abandon our customers after buying our products or services once, how can we satisfy customers? For this, we only need crm software to classify and update a large amount of information and contact data with customers.
4. Do Not Neglect Social media
Use social media such as social networks, live chat programs, etc. to communicate with customers.
5. Consider the Satisfaction of Our Employees
We keep our employees satisfied and happy and thank them for their behavior and performance and the positive energy they show at work. By doing this, we motivate them to provide valuable services to customers.
6. Personalization
To treat each customer in such a way that he/she feels that we are different from others. For example, let’s congratulate him/her on his/her birthday. In the e-mail we send, use his/her name instead of the word “dear customer”.
7. Eliminate or Manage Waiting Time
Try to provide services as quickly as possible. Customers prefer a place where the business process is done easily. Avoid complex rituals and processes.

8. Let’s Ask Our Customers What Method They Prefer to Answer
Each customer prefers his own method. For example, email is a standard method for online users. This allows them to remain anonymous.
Measuring Customer Satisfaction
1. Survey
a) Questionnaire
The questionnaire is set as a raw form with questions based on the level of customer satisfaction with the company’s performance method. To set this form, we must consider the following:
Which categories of people are the target audience of the product or service?
What should be measured?
Questions should be in the form of scoring options so that customers can rate them with verbal or numerical values.

b) Survey within the Website or Application
This type of survey is usually placed in the form of one or two short questions on the site or application and checks customer satisfaction.
c) Survey after Service Provision or Product Sale
In this type of survey, immediately after a customer makes a purchase or provides a service to him/her, his/her satisfaction or dissatisfaction is asked. This can be done by email or by phone. Of course, a phone call is a bit difficult; Because the customer may not be able to easily express his/her opinion over the phone.
d) Survey by Email Method
In this survey, some short questions are sent to the customer in the form of e-mail and asked about his satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
2. Advertisers Net Score
The score calculated in this way tells us how likely customers are to recommend our services or products to others, from 0 to 10. For this, we have to count the number of points from 7 to 10 and remove the number of points from 0 to 6.
Up To Sum
Losing a customer is a possible occurrence for any business. But having a customer-oriented mentality is necessary for any business. Because customers are the main factor for the survival and life of our business. This is why the strategy of obtaining customer satisfaction is proposed.