Leadership vs. Management
Leadership vs. Management is in personality traits, the vision they have for the future, and how to deal with employees who act differently. We need both management and leadership to be able to guide people who work under us very well.
Definition of Leadership
A leader helps the person or persons under his supervision to reach the goal that they have already considered.
The difference between leadership and management of a collection or group is that it has certain characteristics; i.e, it can motivate people or a person, encourage the people of a group and help them to see their goal in the future and follow it. A leader’s focus is on expanding the results achieved by using a talented team, rather than being a manager and making sure that all assigned tasks are completed.
Definition of Management
Basically, management is a process in which the manager controls a people in his/her group in different situations. In order to be able to manage a team in the workplace or a situation, we need to make continuous evaluations and regularly correct the results in a precise way so that we can achieve better results and output.
Manager vs. Leader
1. Targeting
To lead a group better, sometimes it is better to be a manager and sometimes a leader depending on what is better. Leaders have a vision. Managers also have a goal in mind. Leaders envision an actionable picture of the future for their organization and with interaction and encouragement, they try to turn the possible image into reality.
2. Team work
The leader of a group thinks and acts beyond what others do. Leaders be aware that a good team is one that can accomplish great things with the cooperation of its members. On the other hand, managers intend to follow specific instructions and evaluate and achieve their desired goal.

3. Changes
A leader seeks to make changes, but a manager only implements fixed instructions. Sometimes a leader does not follow rules and regulations, he/she creates innovation. Leaders are interested in change and be aware that what is being done can be done better. But a manager has the rules and the process of doing things in mind.
4. Imitation
People who lead have unique characteristics, but managers are actually just imitations. The leader shows his/her true self. Leaders are completely aware of their own characteristics and differences. They try to create a different and unique personality for themselves. More over, they want to be higher than others, they feel satisfied with their position. A manager imitates the behavior of competitors and others.
5. Risk Taking
Risk-taking is a characteristic of leaders, but a manager does not take risks. Leaders like to try new methods and problems. They may experience failure, but their view is that failure leads to victory. But managers are risk averse
6. Generating Ideas
A leader looks to the far future but a manager has a short-term idea. Leaders pursue big and mentally unattainable goals. They constantly reinforce their motivation; they do not wait for rewards and appreciation. But a manager focuses on the specified goals and wants to get a certificate by observing more discipline.
7. Attention to Skill
Leaders seek to grow, but managers only rely on the skills they already have. The difference of leadership and management is that leaders are looking for people to whom the skills and knowledge of a leader can be enhanced. A manager is always looking to learn something new. He /She wants to keep up with his/her competitors. They are aware of the changes that happen in their business every day. Also, managers only emphasize on their previous skills that have led to success for them.
8. Communication
Leaders seek to communicate, but managers make a system and structure. In fact, leaders communicate with people who can be effective in achieving their vision. Leaders develop trust in their team by performing on their promises. Managers focus on order and structure in order to achieve their goals.
9. Coach or Director
Leaders are coaches for their team, managers are just directors. Leaders trust their team’s ability and talent. They do not dictate who should do what and how. But managers seek to fulfill the tasks assigned to their employees and issue instructions.
Leaders have their followers; managers have employees for themselves. A leader’s followers help him to achieve his goals. Followers are the defenders of their leader and help to increase his credibility with others. Leaders achieve this with proper behavior and respect for their followers. But in reality, managers only have a number of employees who listen to their orders and seek to do things that will bring satisfaction to the manager.
Up To Sum
To conclude, the difference of leadership and management, is in their attitude and approach. A leader acts much more broadly, more risk-taking and more creatively than a manager.