Time Management

Time Management

What is in your mind and what you believe can change the world around you. The first step to good time management is willingness. Motivation will be the driving force to continue working. We can remind ourselves of the goals that we want to benefit from in the future by having time management. Helping ourselves to do things differently than ever before. Let’s try to apply what we have learned. In this way, we can work 2 hours overtime every day, increase our performance, have more control over affairs, and spend more time with our family.

Adherence to The Time Management Plan

We have to imagine what we can do with these two hours of overtime. For example, we can start and finish the projects we like. We can learn a new skill or do anything else. In fact, we can change our lives by managing time. We can become rich or at least find financial independence.
Add at least 25% to our next year’s income. Our control over things increases. When we use the lever of the power of time, we feel in control of our destiny and we are powerful. The better we manage our time, the happier and more confident we are. Time is in our control, so we devote more time to our family. We can also take better care of our personal affairs.

Mental Barriers to Time Control

We all know the importance of time management skills, so why can’t we act efficiently, effectively and organized? Our misconceptions about time management get in the way. Negative beliefs make us unable to see our relationship with time management and the surrounding world in a certain way. In the following, we will mention some of these obstacles:

1.With Time Management, Our Natural State Decreases

If we have time management, we will become dry and calculating and insensitive person. We become a person who will no longer be flexible, but it is good to know that these are only negative thoughts. We must think positively.

2. Negative Mental Planning

A person may be disorganized as a child, or he/she may not have finished his/her work, or he/she may be late. These experiences may be pointed out to each person many times by those around him/her or his/her parents. With negative words, the person’s mind is programmed in a negative way. So that sometimes we think we are sloppy and disorganized. But this is not correct. A person is never born orderly or disorderly; Rather, he/she can learn personal efficiency or time management skills throughout his life.

3. Limiting Beliefs

Negative self-images are actually self-limiting beliefs. Many people think that they are not born with the ability to manage time, but the ability to manage time correctly or incorrectly is not a genetic issue. You can control your personal behavior to a great extent.
Now that we understand the importance of the unconscious mind, it is good to know that there are methods that we can use to program our unconscious mind:

1.Tell Yourself Positive Qualities Out Loud

In this way, you can transfer information from your conscious mind to your unconscious mind.

2.The Unconscious Mind is Subject to Our Mental Images

In the future, we will become the same person that we imagine in our mind today. Imagine that we are an efficient person who does his/her work according to the plan, we can regularly review this image in our mind.

3. Play a Role

Play the role of regular person, as if you are a theater actor.

4.Modeling Efficient People

By modeling people who use their time well, we can plan our lives based on the behavior of efficient people. Imagine how an effective and efficient person we admire acts in different situations and do the same thing.

5. Teaching

Imagine that you are going to teach what you have learned from the information related to time management. Imagining teaching helps us to institutionalize the materials in our minds faster. Others have descriptions about us, so we can imagine that they consider us as a person capable of time management. Let’s imagine that others follow our methods in the field of time management. The better we imagine ourselves, our performance in life will be better.

Time Management مدیریت زمان
Up To Sum

There are times when we plan and cannot execute. We always think that there is little time or that there is a problem with planning, but in fact there are psychological obstacles on the way to our success in advancing planning. In order to plan and be more successful in life, it is necessary to change the existing obstacles, which are the wrong ideas and beliefs.


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