Electronic Commerce تجارت الکترونیک

Electronic Commerce

Electronic Commerce

The initial business was buying and selling and bartering. With the development of human societies and the formation of the Internet, a platform was provided for business in a wider space. In electronic commerce, it is no longer necessary to travel long distances and communicate directly between the buyer and the seller, and transactions take place in a more ideal and easier environment for the parties. In general, nowadays, any type of trade that is carried out through internet and digital marketing networks is called Electronic Commerce.

Types of Electronic-Commerce

1. B2B. Business to Business

The parties to the transaction in this type of business are commercial enterprises. Manufacturers who sell their products to suppliers and wholesalers who sell their products to retailers.

2. B2C – Business to Consumer

It is the most common type of e-commerce in which there is no direct connection between the supplier of goods and services and customers. The most common is online shopping from various sites such as Digi Kala or social networks such as Instagram.

3. C2B. Consumer to Business

In this type of business, we recognize consumers who are natural persons as sellers and online stores as buyers. In this way, consumers provide their services and goods online to online sales platforms and receive money in return.

4. C2C. Consumer to Consumer

In this type of business, there are business relationships between consumers. That is, the parties to the transaction are both consumers.

Advantages of E-Commerce

a) For Buyers

1. Convenience

Buying desired products is easy by typing their names in online shopping applications or in search engines.

2. Saving Time

With the help of E-Commerce, there is no need to spend hours in different stores or stay in long traffic. We can easily buy the things we need at home.

3. Using Different Options

Through E-Commerce, we can see different products in a limited time and at the same time and buy according to our needs and budget. It will also be easier for us to compare.

4. Use of Discounts

Online stores usually consider special discounts for their customers, which may not be available in physical stores.

b) For Businesses

1. Increasing the Range of Buyers

In E-Commerce, businesses are not limited to a specific region. People in different regions and even countries can access goods and services that exist in regions far from where they live.

2. Sales Increase

Businesses don’t need a specific area for sales, and this increases their sales and profits.

3. Continuous Access

Heat, cold, illness and other force major conditions that cause stagnation and closure of stores will not have a negative impact on online stores. Internet shopping and sales are never closed, so their sales will be more.

4. Instant Transactions

In this style of business, we don’t need to worry about passing the check or meeting the deadlines given to the customers. Because payments are made immediately and at the same time as purchases through internet portals.

Up To Sum

In today’s competitive and developing world, e-commerce has found a special place not only in the domestic space but also in the international space. This style of transaction has many positive and negative aspects for both parties. The importance of this issue is clearly visible as international and domestic laws are constantly being updated to minimize the problems and risks resulting from this type of business.

Keywords: International, Business

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