Import of Medical Equipment واردات تجهیزات پزشکی

Import of Medical Equipment

Import of Medical Equipment

Import of medical equipment should be done in accordance with the existing regulations in the field of medical equipment administration due to the sensitivity of their quality. From the series of rules and hierarchies related to the import of medical equipment, we can mention the IRC code. The person or company importing medical equipment can receive this code after the approval of the expert of the Medical Equipment Department. Without receiving this code, it is not possible to import this equipment.

The Importance of Importing Medical Equipment

Due to heavy sanctions in the country, it is not possible to produce many medical equipment inside the country. In other words, due to economic sanctions and the lack of sufficient facilities in the production sectors, the manufacturers of the medical equipment industry are not able to produce such equipment.
In such a situation, since the need for the existence and use of some medical equipment is quite tangible, the government tries to make the import of such equipment possible by providing easy access conditions and facilities. For this reason, currently the import of such equipment is of high importance and privilege and encourages domestic businessmen to operate in this field.

Importing medical equipment, besides being considered a necessity for the country, is also a profitable business for domestic businessmen. Due to the duty of medical and health centers in maintaining people’s health, providing them with the necessary supplies is a priority. Therefore, engaging in business in this field can be very profitable. In addition, due to the government’s requirement to provide this basic need and considering special privileges in this regard, such as the purchase of government currency, the conditions were in favor of the merchants; Because they can start their business with minimum capital and benefit from such privileges. In the following, in the same way, they can develop their business in the shortest possible time.

Conditions for Importing Medical Equipment

The import of medical equipment, like other businesses in the international field, has its own rules and regulations. These laws include both the laws issued by the Ministry of Privacy and the rules and regulations issued by the National Health Organization.
Another important point in this context is that we should take action to import equipment whose names have been announced by the health organization and are not subject to import bans. Among these goods, the following can be mentioned:


Imaging Devices

Devices Related to Orthodontics and Prosthetics

Medicines and Pharmaceutical Raw Materials

General Medical Devices

Endoscopic Equipment

Import of Medical Equipment واردات تجهیزات پزشکی
Dental Equipment (D.E)

Medical Equipment Business Profit

As mentioned, due to the sanctions and the lack of sufficient facilities to produce many medical equipment inside, we are always facing a shortage of these equipment. Therefore, their import is very profitable for individuals and companies. Importers of such equipment are generally people with high initial capital.
In addition, people who have basic expertise in the field of medicine and are familiar with medical supplies and equipment are more successful in this field. The noteworthy point regarding the desire to do business in this field is the high profitability and low tariffs of this equipment due to having government currency. In addition, due to their high importance, such appliances always have a market for sale, and the activity in these markets is continuous.

Import of Medical Equipment واردات تجهیزات پزشکی
Earn Profit (E.P)

Up To Sum

Due to the serious need of the health and medical system of the country, trade and import of medical equipment is considered one of the most profitable and most demanded goods in the import market. Currently, domestic production departments are not able to produce many medical equipment in different fields such as dentistry, surgery, etc. Therefore, in addition to being profitable, the import of such equipment is favored by many businessmen due to the special measures taken by the government. In a situation where we are facing a shortage of these equipment, the government is trying to ease the import conditions by reducing import costs and creating conditions for easy purchase of state currency and such privileges.


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