Sales Management System
Sales management system provides the necessary training for the correct organization of marketing and sales activities, monitoring the correct implementation of the business. In other words, sales management is obliged to help the growth and development and increase of business sales by accurately targeting and correctly managing business strategic plans in order to achieve the set goals and hiring the right people in this regard.In small businesses, this responsibility is the task of the business owner, and in larger businesses, it is the work of the relevant person familiar with this field.In second one, the sales manager will be required to submit monthly and annual reports on the progress of sales operations to the business owner.
The Nature of the Sales Management System
This system provides a simpler, more effortless and less challenging sales environment for marketing and sales employees. Basically, the way sales systems work in different businesses is different, but they all have one thing in common, and that is to make more profit and sell more. For this purpose, the sales management system will help a lot by recording information about customers and making them available to marketing managers in analyzing and reviewing data, strengthening sales abilities and succeeding in more sales.
Sales Management and Marketing Management
Despite what it seems, these two concepts have major differences. Usually, in organizations, both responsibilities are performed by one person, but this approach can cause the entire organization to face a crisis. Marketing management includes tasks such as designing and implementing pricing strategies, sales plans, increasing sales, and properly monitoring how products are distributed.
On the other hand, sales management consists of sub-activities in this field that form the lower layers of marketing management. It includes activities such as selection and selection of salespeople, hiring salespeople, training salespeople, sales planning of salespeople, rewarding and motivating, reviewing and presenting the results.

Advantages of Using Sales Management Systems
1. Saving Time
The use of data and information collected by sales management can accelerate the performance of marketing managers and salespeople. In this way, they have access to a complete set of practical information from customers, which by analyzing them, they can simplify the sales process for themselves.
2. Improving Internal Organizational Activities
All the different parts of our organization work purposefully with each other and in the same direction. For this reason, access to sales and customer information may be necessary at any time for any of the departments. Therefore, by preparing and sharing this information by the sales management team, the information gaps in other parts of the organization are also filled. It also speeds up their work process.
3. Saving in the Use of Manpower
Considering an efficient sales management system, we will no longer need to hire many people to check and record customer information. All information related to customers, from recognition to data entry and processing, will be done by this system.

Types of Sales Systems
1. OC System
In this system, we directly access and analyze the performance of the sales team. Investigating issues such as sales, profit, market share, new product sales, loyal customers, etc. are included in the OC system category.
In this system, we finally come to the point that the determining factor of the sales team’s reward is the behavior of customers and their decision to buy products. In fact, the sales team gradually becomes dominated by the customer because they finally find out that their salaries are paid by the customers and not by the business manager.
2. BC System
In this system, we are faced with the absolute rule of the manager. All employees in all departments of the organization are subordinate and under the orders of the manager. Managers evaluate different team members based on their personal views and criteria. In this regard, they consider things like working hours, activities, adherence to regulations, knowledge and skills, intro-organizational behaviors as well as dealing with customers. Salaries and bonuses will be paid accordingly.
In the OC system, the manager of the organization collects the performance of the sales team, and in BC, the manager as the first person of the organization orders how the different teams should perform. After that, the accounting department of the organization presents the sales report to the senior managers of different departments so that the managers of each department can remind their team members how to proceed.
Up To Sum
Considering that marketing systems are constantly changing and evolving, in the current competitive environment, it is very important to have the best strategy for selling products. Therefore, using the sales management system can make a huge change in the sales industry. By using this system, we can achieve new dimensions of the sales process and communication with the customer, which will increase our profit and sales and speed up the performance of our sales and marketing team.