Customer Orientation مشتری مداری

Customer Orientation

Customer Orientation

Customer orientation comes from the fact that today most of the organizations focus on the quality of their products and its improvement, while the majority of every business is made up of its customers. In fact, the profitability of any business depends on customer satisfaction. And this issue is not entirely focused on the products offered by the organization. The positive experiences and feelings of customers from our products will influence their satisfaction and this is exactly what should be focused on. In fact, customer satisfaction should be at the top of our work priorities.

The Importance of Customer Centricity in Business

A customer-oriented company is a company in which all its employees try to make the customer feel a positive feeling from the time they come and express their request until the end of the purchase. In the heart of this positive feeling and in line with creating customer orientation in the organization, we will face customer loyalty. This loyalty and feeling of satisfaction can bring other customers with us.

The Mindset of a Customer-Oriented Organization

In customer-oriented organizations, the mentality and focus are always based on the customer. This means that from the beginning they are looking for answers to these questions, who is the customer? what does he/she want? Why he/she needs this product? How can we help him/her in this regard? In fact, with this approach, such organizations seek to attract potential customers and turn them into active and stable customers from the beginning.

Principles and Solutions of Customer Orientation

1. Customer Identification

Knowing the target customers, their personality traits, age, preference, needs and desires helps us in providing better products that suit the customers. This issue creates a customer-oriented culture in the organization and will result in maximum satisfaction.

2. Surprise Customers

One of the ways of customer centricity can be to periodically surprise customers. This surprise can include anything that is attractive and exciting to the customer. For example, periodic discounts, product sales in the form of two purchases and one gift, etc. These visual attractions will also turn our customers into loyal customers because they are always waiting and eager for surprises.

3. Customer Compensation

Maybe it is better to institutionalize this culture in the organization that “the customer is always right!” When the customer knows that if he/she is not satisfied with his/her purchase and the quality of the product, it is possible to return it, he/she buys with more confidence. Even when our employees openly apologize to him/her for his/her dissatisfaction, he/she may be persuaded to buy another product from us due to the emotional dimension of the person.


4. Direct Interaction with the Customer

Creating a mechanism in the organization for the direct interaction of employees with customers and hearing their points of view in this regard can be another dimension of customer culture. This interaction should not only be focused on the marketing department. Therefore, it is better to move the whole organization towards constructive interaction with the customer.


5. Identifying Regular Customers

Sometimes even getting to know the regular customers of the business and providing special and unique services to them is another dimension of customer centricity. For example, regular customers can benefit from a 10-20% discount on their purchases. Or provide them with the possibility of free shipping and things like that.

Up To Sum

Considering the importance of customer centricity and the ways to achieve it, it is better to step on this path as soon as possible. The customer will not only convert our active customers into regular customers, but they can also attract new customers to us with their satisfaction. As a result, we will have a wider range of customers without the slightest effort and expense in the field of marketing.


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