Exporting Saffron صادرات زعفران

Exporting Saffron

Exporting Saffron

Exporting saffron is one of the most important commercial activities in Iran. This product is one of the most expensive and valuable agricultural products and spices in the world, and buying and selling it in the market is one of the most important profitable businesses for Iranians. Iran is one of the best and most important saffron exporting countries. Khorasan province has the most land under saffron cultivation. Most of the households are busy planting saffron and earn money from this method.

Saffron Export Company and Its Duties

Saffron is one of the popular spices in Iran, which is used for the color and taste of various foods and drinks. The demand for buying saffron in foreign markets is high and different countries are buying saffron from Iran. Saffron export companies are centralized companies that make saffron export easier and provide facilities for saffron harvested from the ground to be properly packed and prepared for export. Saffron Export Company implements pricing strategy and marketing methods according to the customer‘s need to buy this spice.

The Stages of Saffron Export

1. Evaluation and Investigating of the Need of the World Market to Buy Saffron

Success in saffron export depends on the global market’s need to buy saffron. If we do not have a correct understanding of the saffron market, our efforts to export will be fruitless.

2. Buying Quality Saffron with Standard and Beautiful Packaging

After we passed the first stage of saffron export, now we have to get the best saffron for export. In addition to the fact that the highest production of saffron is in Khorasan province, the highest quality saffron is cultivated in Qaenat city. One of the most important stages of saffron export is standard packaging for products. Let’s imagine that we have prepared the best saffron, we have identified the target market and we want to export the saffron. If the products do not have the best packaging, the foreign customer will not buy our product. Export packages have specific features that are determined by the destination country for the seller.

3. Obtaining Necessary Permits and Documents

Exporting saffron like other goods requires a series of permits. While saffron is the best spice for food, its required licenses and documents are different from other products. In the first step, the exporter must obtain a standard certificate and a health certificate. One of the most important documents is the commercial card issuer. Companies usually do this by presenting a card and sending people as export representatives along with a power of attorney or letter of introduction. The representative of the company goes to the customs office and performs the export phase.

Types of Saffron

1. Precious Saffron

This sample of saffron, like super precious saffron, has stigma filaments connected to each other, and the most important difference is the length of the saffron strands.

Exporting Saffron صادرات زعفران
Precious Saffron (P.S)
2. Sargol Saffron

In Sargol saffron, creams are removed and pure saffron is obtained. This sample of Sargol saffron is called by other names such as Sar Qalam, Sar Risheh and Mumtaz.

Exporting Saffron صادرات زعفران
Sargol Saffron (S.S)
3. Bunch of Saffron

In a single strain, creams and stigmas are placed on top of each other. But in the two-strain model, the stigmas are placed on both sides and the cream is placed in the middle. In this example, because the creams are placed in the middle, the stigma attracts more attention.

Exporting Saffron صادرات زعفران
Bunch of Saffron (B.S)

Up To Sum

Familiarity with the stages of saffron export helps to perform each stage accurately. People who do not have experience and expertise in this field should have sufficient knowledge and information before entering this work. Consulting with companies and investing in this field has a positive effect. We succeed in this field when we know our target market well and can find the best customer.


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