Sampling سمپلینگ



Sampling literally means sampling a method in which a subset of product from a larger a mount is taken. In business, it is an advertising and marketing method to introduce the product to the customer and find the right market to sell the product. In this method, we are faced with people trained in the field of advertising who, by presenting a sample of the product to the customer for free, ask them to listen to their explanations regarding that product.

Advantages of Sampling

1. In this way, buyers have the opportunity to test the product first and buy it if they are satisfied without any obligation to buy the product. This method can be a reliable way to attract customers because it puts the customer’s risk power at a low level.

2. The company provides its customers with the opportunity to directly touch the product before buying and get to know its features and buy it if they are satisfied with the quality of the product. This is also one of the tips that make the customer trust his/her purchase.

3. Creating an opportunity to find a market for the product is another benefit of this method. Through sampling, we can also attract customers who came to the store with the intention of buying another product to our products. Because it will be interesting for them to test the products in the store for free, and after it, they will be able to buy the product. Therefore, this method is a type of marketing for the product without the direct involvement of the manufacturer.

Methods of Using Sampling

In sampling we deal with two methods. Either directly or indirectly.

Indirect Sampling

In this way, there will be no direct communication between us and the customer, and when the customer is buying a product similar to ours, we can offer him to try our product next to the desired product. For example: when a customer wants to buy pasta, we can suggest him to use tomato paste, which is our product. It is worth trying this method, but it also has a big drawback. That we will not know the feedback of the customer’s use of the sampling product. We are not even sure if he used the product or not.

Direct Sampling

In this way, we can do our advertising process in two ways. Either we offer our product to the customer to try it at home, or we give the product to the customer to try it in the store. In direct sampling, we can implement both methods.

Sampling Method

In sampling marketing, trained people with a strong expression and well-groomed appearance ask passing customers to test their products with a friendly and respectful tone. Then by attracting the customer to test and placing the product sample at his disposal, they begin to give explanations about the product. In relation to products that cannot be physically tested, such as audio and video products, so marketing is done by presenting catalogs and brochures in a promotional way.

Steps of Sampling

1. Getting to Know and Training the Sampling Team

The sampler person plays the most essential role in attracting and persuading the customer. Therefore, necessary and detailed training should be given to these people by holding periodic training sessions to answer any doubts and questions.

2. Work Equipment

Preparing a place for sampler placement and a place for testing products as well as preparing survey forms.

3. License

In order to carry out sampling activities and take possession of space for the counter and sampler, one should seek the necessary permits.

4. Sampling Chart

We must have a chart to evaluate the performance of sampler people so that we can provide them with the necessary training for better and more sales by examining the strengths and weaknesses of their performance.

5. Review of Sampling Feedback

Finally, we will evaluate the overall sampling. Whether this method has been able to respond to our marketing and advertising needs or not. In case of increasing sales and success of this method, we can continue to benefit from more creative methods.

Up To Sum

Carrying out the marketing process through sampling can be a sure way to attract customers and make them trust our products. This method, with all its apparent simplicity, has operational complexities in the field of how to communicate with customers, attract customers, marketing factors, and such things, which will require the training of managers.


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