Kiwi Export to Turkey صادرات کیوی به ترکیه

Kiwi Export to Turkey

Kiwi Export to Turkey

Kiwi export to Turkey is one of the most profitable trades between Turkey and Iran.The quality of kiwi has made Turkey one of the most important and largest buying countries. It is worth mentioning that the country of Turkey is the producer and exporter of kiwi in the world, which has dedicated its sales to the European country.
Kiwi in Iran is considered as an industrial fruit with high quality and beautiful appearance. The weight of exported kiwi is between 70 and 90 grams. The products produced in Iran have relatively large sizes that cannot be seen in any of the countries producing this product. Kiwi in Iran is considered as an industrial fruit with high quality and beautiful appearance. The weight of exported kiwi is between 70 and 90 grams. The products produced in Iran have relatively large sizes that cannot be seen in any of the countries producing this product.

Problems and Limitations of Planting Kiwi for Export to Turkey

One of the most important problems of kiwi planting for export is the lack of facilities and the lack of necessary conditions for producers of export products. The lack of capacity of storage warehouses, lack of equipped cold storage and high cost of transportation are other problems faced by exporters in this field.

Kiwi Export to Turkey صادرات کیوی به ترکیه
Planting Kiwi (P.K)

Advantages of Exporting Kiwi to Turkey

Turkey is one of the northern neighbors of our country, which has cooperated with us since the distant past until today. The most important cooperation between these two countries in trade is that every year a large number of goods and various products are exchanged across the country’s border. One of the most important advantages of exporting kiwi to Turkey is that it is very close in terms of distance and transportation costs are economical.
In addition, product shipments reach their destination in the shortest possible time. Another advantage of this export is easy access to consumer markets. Considering that there are many similarities between the two countries in terms of food culture, it is easy to sell the desired product in Turkey.

Problems of Kiwi Export to Turkey

1. According to the harvest time, there is a possibility of its freezing in cold seasons until reaching the destination.

2. The poor state of fertilizing and feeding the gardens and using fake chemical fertilizers cause the production of low-quality kiwi, and Turkish buyers buy the product cheaper than the real price.

3. Due to the high volume of export, kiwi harvest is done earlier and the quality is not high, and this means the loss of the consumer market.

4. Use of boxes and poor quality and non-standard packaging

5. High costs

6. High cost of transportation and lack of coordination of customs tariff

7. The existence of intermediaries and brokers

8. Lack of banking connections with Turkey and the problem of returning currency due to the conditions of sanctions

9. Lack of refrigerated trucks for transportation

One of the most important solutions for the development of kiwi exports to Turkey is to produce the product in the form of chips, preserves and concentrates or to use them in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Features of Iranian Export Kiwi

One of the important features of exported kiwi is its beautiful appearance. In addition, the size of the fruit is larger than similar fruits. This product has many fans in consumer markets. Another important feature of this product is its good taste, the presence of many vitamins and nutrients.

Kiwi price in Turkey

The price of kiwi in Turkey is five times higher than the domestic price. Because this luxury and profitable fruit attracts many fans in Turkey. In addition, the costs of the export process have a great impact on the price of this fruit.

Reasons for Exporting Kiwi to Turkey

One of the most important reasons for exporting kiwis to Turkey and choosing the consumer market as a commercial target for selling kiwis is the geographical location of Turkey. Because Turkey is a bridge between Asia and Europe and access to this country’s market means that the exporter of this Iranian product can reach European business goals. Direct and indirect access to European markets means high profitability and foreign exchange for our country.

Types of Iranian Kiwi Exported to Turkey

Turkey is one of the largest producers of two types of kiwis, called green and green kiwis. Each of these two types of kiwi are exported to Turkey. Kiwis in green bring the largest amount of kiwi exports to Turkey. Kiwi in green is one of the most popular types of kiwi that attracts many fans.

Kiwi Export to Turkey صادرات کیوی به ترکیه
Red – Kiwi (R.K)

Up To Sum

Kiwi is one of the most popular industrial fruits, which has good quality and beautiful appearance. Kiwi export to Turkey is one of the most profitable trades between Iran and Turkey.Kiwi export has many advantages. One of its most important advantages is that it is close in terms of distance and its transportation cost is very economical. Among the types of kiwi, we can mention red kiwi and green kiwi.


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