Non-Oil Export صادرات غیرنفتی

Non-Oil Export

Non-Oil Export

Non-oil export is one of the basic elements for the economic growth of a society and therefore it is considered one of the main goals of every society. By introducing and proposing non-oil exports, neoclassical economists believe that the use of this type of export as a suitable economic policy helps the economic growth and development of developing countries.

Iran’s Non – Oil Exports

According to statistics, Iran’s economy is highly dependent on the income from oil exports. In addition, other existing sectors directly or indirectly need the income from oil exports. This article shows the importance of oil export more than before. This excessive dependence on revenues from oil exports is an obstacle to find solutions to increase the volume of non-oil exports and diversify the type of exports.

Factors Affecting Non-Oil Exports

In general, the factors affecting oil export can be divided into several categories, which include: economic, scientific-technical, social-cultural, legal-political factors.

1. Economic Factors

Cases like inflation, currency fluctuations, consumer income level, and economic policies are considered subsets of economic factors.

2. Scientific – Technical Factors

In scientific-technological factors, the impact of non-oil exports on economic conditions, the field of production technology, management, equipment, production, packaging and transportation is investigated.

3. Sociology-Cultural Factors

Social and cultural conditions will play a decisive role in the field of international trade. The most important of these factors are consumption patterns, cultural and religious beliefs and values, population growth and general culture.

4. Legal-Political Factors

This dimension includes the stability of domestic politics, foreign policies of non-oil exports, and the administrative system of world trade.

Non-Oil Export Infrastructure

1. Banking Systems

In recent years, we have faced the challenges of money transfer and this issue is very important and effective in relation to exports.

Non-Oil Export صادرات غیرنفتی
International Bank (I.B)
2. Export Insurance

The issue of export insurance is within the scope of the duties of guarantee funds. In this regard, when we intend to export goods, but we do not have enough information about the buyer’s country, we can proceed by referring to guarantee funds. Further, by providing information about the transaction party and paying the necessary fee, we can do validation through referral to experts. If the validation result is positive, we will send the goods and trade the shipping documents with the guarantee fund.

Marketing in Non-Oil Exports

Success in this part of export depends on basic marketing. In addition, the product or service must have a competitive advantage and distinction in the target country. Having the support of expert forces in the field of foreign trade and export marketing is one of the success factors in the field of non-oil export marketing. Active presence in international exhibitions of the desired product for export can also help marketing in the field of non-oil exports. Marketing based on product quality and competitive price can also be very effective. Paying attention to packaging is also an important part of consumer goods marketing.

The Most Important Non-Oil Export Goods

The export of agricultural products such as apples, fresh pistachios, dates, watermelons, etc., the export of methanol, iron and steel ingots, copper pieces, aluminum products, cement and stone are among the most important non-oil exports.
Due to the fact that Iran benefits from many high-quality mines, the export of minerals is also considered as one of Iran’s non-oil exports.

Non-Oil Export صادرات غیرنفتی
Export Cement (E.C)

Up To Sum

Non-oil materials constitute a major part of exports. Such exports are more important for countries that do not have oil support. But for Iran, as a country whose main reliance is on oil exports, it is not considered as it should be. However, ignoring this part of the export and not complying with the necessary quality and standards in this area can cause a crisis in the economic situation and the trend of non-oil exports.


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