Spiritual Traps تله های روحی

Spiritual Traps

Spiritual Traps

Spiritual traps can be said to be wrong thinking, mental, spiritual and behavioral patterns that are mainly rooted in our childhood and adolescence. The efficiency of these traps is that we grow up with the intellectual beliefs formed in our minds from childhood and adolescence, and these beliefs include our entire adulthood.
Our feelings towards different situations and events that occur in adulthood will be similar to the past period of our life and these reactions will have negative and destructive effects on our success. In the following, we will describe some mental traps:

1. Obedience Trap

In the trap of obedience, we only seek to keep those around us satisfied. In fact, not only we do not have control over our feelings and beliefs, but we also see others dominating us. The trap of obedience turns us into a 100% obedient against the wishes of others and existing conditions. Our reactions will often be silence and suppression; Because we want to be accepted by the public and agree with them.

2. Failure Trap

This belief is reinforced within us that we are doomed to fail. Because we lack some necessary abilities and for this reason, the fear of failure will always be with us. In this situation, we avoid participating in challenges because we believe that we do not have the ability to deal with it. The trap of failure leads us to compare with others; In this analogy, we always consider ourselves lower and less talented than other competitors and we believe in their superiority. In this way, we ignore our achievements and successes. Therefore, we always seek to be excellent and perfect, and every time we fail, we consider ourselves as absolute losers.

3. The Trap of Perfectionism

Our constant desire for perfectionism and excellence can prevent us from continuing the path and ending it. Despite the fact that trying to be the best leads a person to try and learn more, perfectionism can constantly make us face the fear of not being perfect and seeing our weaknesses.

4. Confirmation Trap

In a way, this trap can be said to be in line with the trap of obedience. In this trap, we are also looking for the maximum satisfaction of others. It means that we use all our efforts to be approved and liked by others. The opinion of others is preferred for us and we try to be admired by them.

5. The Trap of Limiting Beliefs

Lack of confidence in ourselves and our abilities will make us weak in situations and in the face of other people. These beliefs, which originate from past failure experiences, will convince us that we do not have the necessary abilities to succeed.

6. Trap of Fear of Change

Fear of change takes away the opportunity for innovation and creativity. This fear is a serious obstacle to growth and minimizes our risk power.

Ways to deal with Mental Traps

Each person usually reacts to traps in 3 ways:

1. Submission

It somehow deals with that trap as if it were true.

2. Escape

A person looks for ways to escape from existing traps or to avoid them.

3. Attack

A person takes actions that are contrary to traps.

Treatment Steps for Mental Traps

1. Assessment and Training

At this stage, we will evaluate the type and depth of the trap and then examine the person’s reaction to it. After diagnosing the type of trap, we learn how to treat the trap.

2. Treatment

At this stage, we are looking to implement the treatment methods that we have been trained in the previous stage.

Up To Sum

Spiritual traps can always make us face many challenges. Because it leaves a negative and destructive effect on our self-confidence and beliefs. In dealing with existing traps, reactions will be different for each person. Their definitive treatment is also different according to the type and depth of the trap as well as how each person deals with it.


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