Facilitation Techniques
Facilitation techniques are techniques that provide opportunities for a group of people to progress and succeed. These techniques include preparation, setting instructions, flexibility, active listening, and time management. The main purpose of facilitation is to encourage people to participate and be creative without involving the team.
The Reason for the Importance of Facilitation
1. Helping to Resolve Conflicts
A facilitator is a neutral person who listens to the arguments of both parties and solves problems by reaching common ground between two or more people.
2. Progress
The facilitator does whatever is necessary for the group to progress. Time efficiency is required to make progress within the set deadline.
3. Promising Success
A facilitator is a person who encourages people to solve problems and achieve the group’s ultimate goal. The facilitator is unbiased in how the group achieves its ultimate goal and works until the group reaches its desired outcome.
Types of Facilitation Techniques
1.The Technique of Facilitating the Possibility of Adjusting the Instructions
One of the most important facilitation techniques is the ability to adjust instructions. these instructions allow group members to share a common goal. Progress happens when group members are aware of the instructions and know what the facilitator wants.
2. Neutrality Facilitation Technique
This technique means the ability to maintain impartiality in teamwork. As a facilitator, it is important to be neutral. Because it allows us to guide the team without needing an instruction. It doesn’t matter what the people in the group choose. Team success is our top priority.
3. Encouraging Facilitation Technique
As facilitators, we encourage people to engage in dialogue that leads to progress. Encouraging group members makes shy people participate in the group and feel involved in the conversation.
4. Preparation Facilitation Technique
One of the most important facilitation techniques is to be prepared. Being ready is one of the most effective factors in group progress and facilitation. A facilitator who is ready provides the resources needed for dialogue to reach a common goal.
5. Flexibility Facilitation Technique
Flexibility is the ability to adapt to change. Facilitator provides flexibility in terms of adapting to the team’s current perspective and mindset.
Facilitation Techniques in the Workplace
1.Thinking about Progress
By constantly thinking about improvement, our facilitation technique is strengthened. For example, when a project has to be finished before the end of the week, thinking about progress allows us to facilitate the work.

2. Effective Time Management in Doing Things
Time management is one of the most important components of facilitation and progress. As a facilitator, when our manager assigns us a task, we have to finish it by the end of the day. Divide the work and set a certain time for yourself to finish the work.
3. Empathy with Others
Empathy is one of the most important social skills that help us feel compassion for what others are feeling.

Up to Sum
Facilitation techniques provide space and conditions for progress for people. This possibility is provided in various ways such as setting instructions, active listening, flexibility, etc.