Caviar Export
Caviar export is one of the most profitable, caviar is one of the most expensive food products in the world. There are different types of caviar, including golden, red and black caviar. Iran is known as one of the largest exporters of caviar in the world, which annually supply large quantities of this product in global markets. This product is obtained from caviar fish, which include elephant fish, ozon bron, sheep fish. Due to the high price of caviar, the demand for its purchase in domestic markets is very low and the majority of this product is exported to foreign countries. Caviar export is one of the most important fields of foreign exchange in business.
Caviar export is one of the profitable businesses that few countries in the world have the ability to do this business. Due to its proximity to the Caspian Sea, our country has a high potential in the field of producing and exporting this valuable food. Caviar fish is one of the best and luxury seafood that has many fans in the world. The Caspian Sea is one of the largest sources of all kinds of caviar fish, which supplies most of the caviar needed by the world markets. Caviar export to Europe has a process and conditions, among the documents required for export to European countries, we can mention obtaining a certificate of origin from the Chamber of Commerce, obtaining a veterinary certificate, obtaining a CITES permit, obtaining a veterinary permit, and a transportation permit.
Export Caviar
In general, Iranian caviar has 4 types, including beluga caviar, Astra-golden caviar, Siberian caviar and Suruga caviar, and the largest amount of exported caviar is related to the beluga type. This type has been able to gain a special position in the caviar export due to its economic efficiency and availability. Exported caviar is exported to destination countries under certain conditions, the most important of which is standard packaging. Caviar must be exported to the destination country along with ice and ionolite by air transportation, otherwise it will lose its quality.
The Price of Iranian Caviar
The price of Iranian caviar is much higher than other caviar produced in other countries due to its high quality. Because as mentioned, 5 types of the best of this product are produced in our country. In Iran, in addition to the production of sea caviar, other caviar is produced from farmed fish, which are different in terms of quality. The product produced from non-farmed and marine fish is of better quality. For this reason, its price becomes much more expensive.
Types of Iranian Caviar
1. Golden Astra Caviar:
It is a kind of golden caviar that has many fans, but due to its rarity, it is not produced in large quantities. For this reason, sending it to other countries is limited.
2. Berry or Siberia:
This type of caviar belongs to Russia, but it is also produced in Iran in significant numbers. Unfortunately, due to its low export price, it is not very profitable for Iranian businessmen. The only reason is mass production and huge volume by Russia.
3. Suruga:
One of the other types is caviar, which in our country is not exported to other countries due to its low production and is only consumed domestically. If this type of product reaches mass production, it can be more profitable for our country.

Caviar Export Conditions
Caviar export has all the rules and regulations that exist regarding the export of goods. These conditions are as follows:
1. The product should be sent by air and by plane to reach the destination in a short time.
2. The packaging of this product should be in such a way as to prevent its spoilage and destruction and to preserve its taste and properties to a large extent. For this purpose, you must use ionolite and ice packs.
3. In addition to obtaining the necessary permits, exporters and importers must be members of the Datis Convention.
Buying and Selling Caviar Online
In addition to the fact that this product is known as a souvenir and a luxury product among people, many people buy and give the product to friends and acquaintances through the internet sales method. By using the online sale of caviar, people can buy this delicious and special food anywhere in the world at a reasonable price and have it delivered anywhere in the world.

European Caviar Export Conditions
1.The type and breed of fish must be known.
2.The fish should be healthy in every way.
3.The quality of the fish must be approved by experts.
4.Fish food should be approved and rich in minerals.
Up to Sum
Caviar export is a profitable business that few countries in the world have the ability to trade. There are different types of caviar, the most important of which are Astra fish, elephant fish, ozon bron, and sheep fish. In addition, people can give it as a souvenir to their friends and acquaintances from the internet sales method.