Entrepreneurial Culture فرهنگ کارآفرینی

Entrepreneurial Culture

Entrepreneurial Culture

Entrepreneurial culture is a type of subculture of a large cultural complex ruling the society. The culture that governs the society is a set of beliefs, thoughts, customs and values. This concept is manifested in the interaction between society and different groups, as well as the interaction of people with each other.

In this regard, the effective methods of earning money are closely related to the way people interact with each other. On the other hand, entrepreneurship, by creating job opportunities, will produce wealth and improve the economic situation and will be the basis for improving the culture of the society.

The process of entrepreneurship itself includes a special culture. This culture is the same culture that governs small entrepreneurial companies. In fact, it includes a common concept of values, beliefs and common ideas that the company members have accepted. It is necessary to know that entrepreneurial culture is also influenced by other cultural dimensions such as political and religious beliefs and values. Therefore, its strengths and weaknesses should be sought in the presence of factors and values that are beyond the scope of employment and are in conflict or aligned with entrepreneurship.

The Nature of Entrepreneurial Culture

As mentioned earlier, the culture that governs entrepreneurship is influenced by the general culture that governs society. This means that no matter how much the ideas and values ruling the society are based on work, production and creativity, the culture of entrepreneurship also penetrates into people. In this way, the field of entrepreneurship is prepared even more.
In such societies, we will have successful entrepreneurial people with more creativity. Today, entrepreneurs rely on scientific and technological advances to fill the gaps in the market. In such a situation, it is very clear that the culture that governs the societies is learning and entrepreneurship is affected by it.

The Effects of Culture Governance on Entrepreneurship

1. Coordination and coherence between different components

2. Establishing mass communication

3. Identification of members

4. Continuity and survival of society

Entrepreneurial Culture فرهنگ کارآفرینی
Entrepreneurial Culture (E.C)

Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Culture

1. Motivation

Stimulating individual motivations such as the desire to gain wealth and income, seeking independence, etc. can put a person on the path to becoming an entrepreneur.

2. Skill Training

The training of necessary skills in the field of business takes place in 3 time periods; Before starting a business, during and after starting a business.

3. Ability to Perception and Change and Discover and Use Opportunities

In order to always be on the path of progress, we must be aware of the changes and benefit from new opportunities by understanding this issue.

4. Culture of Participation

An important dimension in the field of entrepreneurship is the ability to perform activities in a collaborative and group manner. The ability to do group work is a culture that should permeate the business environment and internal organizational culture.

5. Creative Culture

Entrepreneurs are basically highly creative people who follow their new and innovative ideas in the form of a company.

Entrepreneurial Culture فرهنگ کارآفرینی
6. Culture of Independence and Responsibility

Entrepreneurs on principle are autonomous people who rely on their own decisions and are less influenced by the opinions of others.

7. Risk-taking Culture

To reach the predetermined goal, as an entrepreneur, we must have a fighting and risk-taking spirit.

Up To Sum

The effects of culture and entrepreneurship are mutual. On the one hand, the culture ruling the society can influence the principles and values of entrepreneurship, and on the other hand, the results of entrepreneurship are effective on the general culture ruling the society. At the same time, the process of entrepreneurship provides the basis for improving the quality of society’s culture by creating opportunities for employment and generating wealth. At the same time, the culture of the society also brings the values and opinions that people adhere to and that causes the formation of internal cultures.


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