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Success and Its Formula

Success and Its Formula

Success and Its Formula Success becomes very simple if we look at its formula. Achievement is not your only performance. Of course, this does not mean that we ignore our day-to-day efforts or that we do not encourage ourselves through it. Rather, every effort in itself deserves encouragement regardless of

۱۴ نکته درباره تنظیم قراردادهای تجاری بین المللی

Signing International Commercial Contracts:14 hints

Signing International Commercial Contracts (Part 2) Of the 14 hints of signing international commercial contracts, six have been discussed in Part 1,and the other eight hints will discussed in this part, Part2. 7) Amount and Method of Payment in Contracts The exact amount of the contract and the terms and

Time Management

Time Management What is in your mind and what you believe can change the world around you. The first step to good time management is willingness. Motivation will be the driving force to continue working. We can remind ourselves of the goals that we want to benefit from in the

Personal Branding

Personal Branding Personal branding is a series of actions that are taken to highlight and differentiate the personality of a business owner. In this process, the focus is on the external image of the brand and business owner, and an attempt is made to make a charismatic and unique person

مهارت‌های بین‌المللی

Why We Need International Skills?

Why We Need International Skills? In response to the question of why managers, business owners and brands need international skills, one should ask why they don’t need these skills. In any field you operate in, when you become a business manager or owner, your duty is to protect and improve

قرارداد تجاری بین المللی

International Trade Contract

Explanation of International Trade Contract An international trade contract is a contract that has at least one transnational component. The meaning of the transnational element is that either one of the parties is not Iranian or the place of execution of the contract or the major obligations resulting from it,

مدیر موفق

Lifestyle of a Successful Manager Part 3

Lifestyle of a Successful Manager Part 3 In the previous two parts, we mentioned the working lifestyle of a successful manager and 6 items about their personal lifestyle. In the following, we are going to mention 8 other items personal lifestyles of a successful manager. 7) The Relationship Circle of

بازاریابی اینترنتی

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Digital marketing is a set of activities and tools that aim to attract and retain customers. Today, despite the fluctuations in the state of domestic and foreign markets, brand and business owners should look for a reliable hint of support to maintain their collection and prosper their business.

تجارت پارتیزانی

What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? It includes methods in advertising that have a main goal, which is spending the lowest cost and creating ads with high effectiveness and long-term persistence in the mind of the customer. Guerrilla marketing uses new and low-cost methods and creates advertisements mixed with creativity. Therefore, more

برندسازی محصول

Product Branding

Product Branding Branding products and business in the competitive environment of the market will significantly help our business progress. This issue will play an undeniable role in introducing and selling our products and services. Brand The brand includes the name, logo or trademark that represents our business to others. In

International Brand Registration

International Brand Registration International brand registration is actually the registration and commercial identity of a product or business at the international level. In today’s business environment, many natural and legal persons intend to take greater steps in the field of international trade in order to develop and introduce their products

ارز دیجییتال

Crypto Currency in International Trade

Crypto Currency in International Trade Crypto currency or digital currency in the economic and financial field, are new concepts. Today, with the growth of economic conditions governing societies and the development of international trade relations, new payment methods have been formed in trade relations. Reactions to this category are various

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