Buyer Behavior رفتار خریدار

Buyer Behavior

Buyer Behavior

Buyer behavior or purchase behavior is a set of decisions, mental interactions and actions that each person uses to buy a product or use a service. At the same time, we can consider the buyer’s behavior as one of the elements influencing marketing processes; Because it provides a general view and understanding regarding why and how people make decisions related to purchasing, choosing a brand and being loyal to a particular brand. Therefore, examining this category is very important, especially for companies that seek to improve their business model and reach more customers.
On the other hand, examining this behavior by experts in the process of market research and research in relation to business owners will also help; Because it identifies and introduces areas and opportunities to improve marketing methods.

The Importance of Checking the Buyer’s Behavior

Identifying the buyer’s behavior and producing and providing products and services according to it can ensure the success of any business. The buyer’s behavior determines the following:

The way people think when choosing a product

What affects people’s choices!

How the people around influence people’s decisions?

Passing and abandoning a particular product.

Knowing this information by the manufacturer and the supplier gives them the trick to sell more products.

Types of Buying Behavior

1. Extensive Decision Making

We see this type of decision regarding the purchase of high-risk products. This type of buying behavior, which is also called complex buying behavior, because of the high economic and psychological risk it brings, makes the customer heavily involved in the buying process and complete research before buying. It is not far from expected to observe this type of behavior in the purchase of expensive products that require high investment. Examples of this can be seen in the purchase of a house, car, training courses, etc.

Buyer Behavior رفتار خریدار
Extensive Decision Making
2. Limited Decision Making

Limited decision making is used to purchase products that require moderate time and effort. Buyers compare models and brands before buying. The use of this behavior is due to the high purchase price of the mother. Buying goods based on this behavior will be without much research and according to the available budget. For example, for limited decision-making behavior, we can refer to the purchase of a waffle maker.

3. Typical Buying Behavior

Normal shopping behavior is used in everyday purchases. In this way, the customer does not hesitate between different brands and considers them all at the same level. Therefore, he makes frequent purchases from the same brand for a long time.

4. Diversified Buying Behavior

In shopping based on variety-seeking shopping behavior, the customer switches between different brands without feeling dissatisfied with one brand. The reason for this is to satisfy curiosity and diversity. In this situation, the buyer intends to look for an alternative product without being dissatisfied with the current product.

Buyer Behavior رفتار خریدار
Buyer Behavior

Factors Affecting Buyer Behavior

1. Psychological Factors

Psychological factors are among the most powerful factors that can influence buyer behavior. Factors such as purchase motivation, understanding of the product, recognition of advantages and disadvantages, beliefs and opinions of other consumers regarding the product are among these factors.

2. Social Factors

Our sociability and being influenced by the people around us also influence our decisions on our purchases. We always try to be accepted in the society and imitate other people. For this reason, our purchases will also be affected by other people.

3. Cultural Factors

In the society we live in, we are surrounded by a set of values, beliefs and cultures. Every person’s behavior is influenced by the culture of the society in which he grew up. Therefore, this culture will also affect his buying behavior.

4. Personal Factors

Personal factors are different for each person. These factors originate from the perceptions and personal behaviors of consumers, which cause a difference in them. Among these factors, we can mention age, income, lifestyle, etc.

Up to Sum

The behavior of the buyer and his/her decision-making process for buying is different for each person. Various factors are influential in this process, including cultural issues, social issues, personal issues, etc.



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