Technology Transfer انتقال فناوری

Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer

Technology transfer is the process of transferring technology from one person or organization to another person or organization along with the knowledge and skills to apply it. But this process is not as simple as talking about it; rather, it is a complex and difficult process that, without sufficient knowledge and information, results to the loss of capital and time, and also leads to the weakness of national technology.

Technology transfer and use of existing technologies can lead to innovation and production of new products. Technology transfers increase the level of product development and commercialization. But the important point in this regard is the use of regular and organized methods for this transfer.

The importance of this issue is especially felt in the field of main and key technologies. For this purpose, it is necessary to fully and correctly understand the technology transfer process and use it in the best way. The result of this is the significant value we will encounter in developing industries.

Methods of Technology Transfer

We have technology transfer in two ways, vertical and horizontal.
In the vertical transfer, we are encountered with the transfer of research and development; That is, in this method, technical knowledge and the results of applied research are transferred to the development and design stage. Further, with commercialization, technology enters the field of production.
But in the horizontal transfer, we are encountering the transfer of capability. In this way, technology with a fixed level of capability in one country enters another country. In this context, the higher the technology level of the receiving country, the lower the transfer cost.

Technology Transfer انتقال فناوری
Technology Transfer (T.T)

Factors Affecting the Mode of Transmission

1. The motivation, goal, criteria and profit agreed between the technology supplier and its applicant

2. The level of technological advancement and potential of the applicant

3. The strategy used by the seller

4. The applicant’s level of information and the ability to negotiate and bargain

5. General policies governing technology in the applicant country

The Importance of Technology Transfer

Today, technology is considered as one of the important and necessary elements for the social and economic growth and development of countries. The significant progress that developed countries are facing, originates from these new technologies and innovations that are always being developed and offered. On the other hand, we are facing developing and less developed countries that have technological gaps with developed countries. These countries are always trying to compensate for economic deficiencies and to achieve technology.
Technology transfer and its development are two completely interdependent categories that developing countries can use to obtain the technologies they need. Developing countries consider these two processes as complementary and move towards reducing and eliminating gaps and increasing the development process by transferring technology.

Advantages of Technology Transfer


Technology Transfer انتقال فناوری
1. Improving the Quality of Products

With the growing trend of technology, manufacturers are always trying to keep up with new technologies and high quality products. For this purpose, companies can use both internal resources and external ideas and innovations. To choose one of these two factors to increase quality, factors such as access to technology, time, and financial capabilities will be decisive. Since we are always faced with changes in demand in the business environment, relying on internal resources will not work.

2. Cost – Effective Innovations

The main goal that companies pursue from the transfer and use of technologies is to produce new and quality products in the most economical way possible. In a situation where the internal resources do not have the necessary development, it will be impossible to develop technology by resorting to internal resources. In such a situation, it is better to use foreign ideas. Companies must have a systematic and coherent structure to manage financial resources and legal procedures. Otherwise, the time and money spent on it will be more than expected.

Up To Sum

The process of technology transfer is the transfer of technical knowledge, technology and skills. This transfer can lead to the innovation and development of products as well as the progress and development of industries and countries. In addition, nowadays developing and underdeveloped countries need this transition for their growth and development. The methods of this transfer will be different according to the nature of the business and available resources and effective factors such as motivation.


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