Strategic Transformation
Strategic transformation is generally one of those terms that brings many emotions with it. Because in some situations, we see managers who believe that they have done many transformational actions since they entered the organization. we encounter experts in the organization who, during their working hours, are constantly working on tables and goals that are supposed to change the situation of the organization. And such examples that make the category of strategic transformation seem exciting.
This issue is not as simple as it seems! Because the path of organizational transformation is a challenging path with many difficulties. No organization changes overnight. Even expecting transformation within a year is too much for some organizations! Others are basically resistant to change! In most organizations, a large amount of half-finished projects for improvement, huge costs spent for transformation, infrastructures that are inconsistent with the organization and inappropriate culture can be seen. These factors make the transformation process difficult.
Manager‘s Performance during Strategic Transformation
In the reaction of managers to environmental changes, we are faced with many factors. As a result of several factors, managers may show unsuccessful reactions to changes. One of the reasons for this failure can be the managers’ lack of attention to changes in their business model; Therefore, they are surprised by unexpected changes.
The second reason can be the inappropriate interpretation of the changes; It means that the managers are aware of the changes, but their perception of the changes is wrong. The third possibility in this matter is lack of proper action; It means that the managers have sufficient awareness of the changes and their interpretation of the changes is correct, but they are unsuccessful in making decisions and using appropriate methods when faced with the changes.

Strategic Transformation in the Context of Destination-Route
Normally, our gaze is always in the direction-destination. But in relation to the difficulties of strategic transformation, it is better to talk from the point of view of destination-route. This point of view shows an inappropriate and ineffective approach to transformational projects. To better understand this concept, let’s examine two concrete examples of it:
1. Believing in the Destination and Disbelieving in the Path
We are faced with this case in a situation where the organization feels the need for transformation and changes, but a clear argument is not presented regarding the necessity of these transformations. In addition, there is this belief among the managers of the organizations that they want to create a more agile and efficient organization, but they are skeptical about the path of making changes. While having serious doubts about the path of transformation, they offer suggestions and options to cover their resistance to changes.
Therefore, in fact, we are faced with belief in the destination and lack of belief and motivation in the path. In such a situation, there is nothing but failure in waiting for organizational strategic developments. Because no one is willing to pay the cost and take risks for the current situation and conditions. Despite the general image of the destination, there is no context for appropriate actions to reach it and face the existing realities.

2. Unbelieving about the Destination and Unbelieving about the Path
In any organization and company, we may face two groups of people. One group supports and supports the changes and the other group is rigidly resistant to it. Every transformation project that starts in the organization, until it takes a tangible and objective form, includes many challenges. For the group that is resistant to changes, there are always small and big excuses, such as disruptions of the familiar routine in the organization. But these challenges are an integral part of the existence of any development that is opposed by people who do not believe in the path and destination. However, the support of people in favor of transformation can largely break this barrier of resistance and lead the organization towards transformation.
Up To Sum
Applying the strategic transformation project is effective and necessary for the survival of any organization. Because every organization is faced with a decrease in productivity over time and must adapt to the existing conditions and changes. But focusing only on the path or on the destination will cause the transformation to fail. It is the performance of managers that determines the extent of changes and its success.