Political Marketing بازاریابی سیاسی

Political Marketing

Political Marketing

Political marketing plays a very decisive role in the democratic atmosphere of societies. In societies where elections are a necessary and selective path, victory, defeat and the occurrence of political developments and currents are largely affected by this category.
The category of political marketing is an interdisciplinary process between political science and marketing management. Meanwhile, in this process, political candidates try to encourage people to participate in a political activity by expressing their ideas.

The Concept of Political Marketing

As mentioned, it is a concept between two fields of political science and marketing science. In fact, it is the result of the combination of techniques and principles of political science and commercial marketing. The capabilities of marketing management are used to analyze political activities and also to describe the behavior of society.

Similarity of Business and Political Marketing

The methods used in political activities and competitions are basically based on commercial marketing. Political parties and individuals are familiar with effective business mechanisms and use them in their activities. For this reason, today we have political struggles in the form of an evolved concept and not a simple party concept.
According to the modern point of view in the discussion of political campaigns, success in political contests depended on the unity of voters and getting more votes. But according to this type of marketing and its principles, success in this field is based on knowing the wants and needs of voters. Therefore, politicians and political candidates, according to the principles of commercial marketing, build their plans and campaign strategies based on the wishes and needs of the voters.

Obstacles and Problems

Despite the growing trend that political marketing is facing, in many political organizations, there is not enough potential and capacity for this purpose. The reason can be found in 2 cases:

1. The political atmosphere that governs societies is generally traditional and politicians try not to deviate from this traditional format. Therefore, we are facing high stability of political conditions.

2. Due to the extensive communication that political organizations have with people, they do not think about personalizing messages and prefer to use mass media. In addition, we have the category of political marketing only in a limited period of time and it is not permanent and continuous like commercial activities.


1. Product Function

The functions of political marketing in the product area are related to the following:

– Leadership, presidential candidates, parliament and city council

– Members of the Legislature (Legislative Council)

– Party members or their supporters

– Holders of positions

– Marks, names and logos

– Political activities

– Policies

– Constitution

2. Distribution Function

This function allows access to all information related to the field of political products. This includes information related to party policies and programs, as well as placing candidates on the right track.

3. Cost Function

This case is related to the management and investigation of behavioral and attitudinal barriers of voters. Voters should be able to access all information related to the product without paying any fees.

4. News Function

In this regard, the main target is secondary exchange partners or media intermediaries. Audience management is a topic that we deal with in this part of marketing. Activities related to the field of public relations, media management, and online advertising management are among the other functions of news management.

Political Marketing Process and Steps

1. Political product design

2. Collecting market information

3. Coordination of the product with the wishes and needs of the voters

4. Implementation and application of strategic plans

5. Establishing and managing communications

6. Designing, preparing and implementing advertising campaigns

7. Advancing the election process

8. Project completion and delivery

Up to Sum

Activists in the field of politics use the political marketing method to achieve their political goals. Unlike in the past when we had marketing only in the field of commercial activities, today marketing capabilities are also used to exchange ideas in the field of politics. By using its functions, we can influence public thoughts and opinions in the election debate.


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