Idea Validation اعتبارسنجی ایده

Idea Validation

Idea Validation

Idea validation plays an important and decisive role in the success of a startup. In the discussion of ideas, sometimes we come across strange and unusual ideas that seem inaccessible. On the other hand, sometimes there are ideas that, despite their logic, lead to failure. In the discussion of ideas, we should know that only some of them can be implemented. Therefore, to ensure the success rate of an idea, we must validate it.

How to Validate

In the validation of the business idea or startup idea, based on the experiments, we obtain evidence related to the idea so that we can make the best decision quickly and knowingly and without risk.
The start of the validation process is from idea generation and basically ends with the customer. The purpose of this process is to measure the practical result of making the idea in the real world before making and releasing the final product.

Importance of Validation

Every new idea that is formed in the mind has many details that may be wrong. These mistakes may put our idea in danger of complete destruction. In such a situation, by using the validation of the idea, we can act in the direction of reducing possible risks, increasing the speed of providing services and creating value in the target market.

By validating the idea, we can prevent huge investment and production of a product and concept that will not be popular in the future. In fact, our goal in doing this process is to ensure that there is a real demand for it, otherwise our idea will be just an interesting idea that is not feasible. At the end of the validation process, the idea must be able to solve a real problem or achieve the desired goal or impress other people.

In order to minimize the risks in the path of our business and startup, we must pay attention to two points:

The time of presentation is appropriate.

Ensuring adequate and efficient sales of the idea.

We may reach a dead end in any of the above two options, which means that no client will be willing to pay for our idea.

Idea Validation اعتبارسنجی ایده
Idea Validation

Idea Validation Steps

1. Focus on the Problem

In the ideas that we raise in our minds, we seek to solve problems and issues that we usually face. The only thing that matters to us is the problem and not the solution.

2. Determining the Type of Problem

We face many problems in every field. But what we should focus on are major problems. In other words, the problem we are trying to solve is one of several major problems faced by potential customers.
For example, if our consumer or end customer is a small business owner, his main problems may be summarized in 5 items:

a.More sales

b.More effective marketing

c.Outsourcing of salaries and benefits

d.Increasing products

e.Presence in social networks and optimal advertising.

Now in this regard, if our intention is to produce a tool for social networks, in our validation we should check whether this problem is considered a major problem for a small business owner or not. Such a person may be so concerned about his first 3 problems that even our best quality product does not attract his attention.
In other words, if our product cannot be a good answer to the main concerns of this manager, he will not spend time, attention and money on it.

3. Determine Available Solutions

When interacting with customers, we may get to know the methods they use to solve their problems. In their conversations, we may face problems with things like using specific products, specific services, a specific company, or outsourcing to someone else. It is important to know how our target customers currently solve their problems.
We look for solutions that our competitors offer to our mutual customers. In such a situation, we face two situations; Either we face a large market with many competitors or a market vacuum in this area. In the latter case, we must act carefully because such a problem may exist in a limited way and we may not find a specific applicant for it.

Idea Validation اعتبار سنجی ایده
Determine Available Solutions
4. Searching for the Painful Part in Solutions

We should look for pain points in the solutions that customers use; That is, what is missing in the existing solutions or the customers are not satisfied with them. We never seek to produce similar products. Even if we produce a similar product, 20% of our product must have competitive advantages.
Potential customers should easily understand the differences when comparing existing products with our new products. We should be so knowledgeable about the used solutions and their weaknesses that we can encourage customers to buy our products by focusing on them.

5. Getting Help from Customers’ Opinions for the Road Map

If we have been able to solve a big problem that most people are facing, it means that we have a number of compelling customers by solving the problem. Now we can use their opinions and views to start and continue the path. These audiences can be the best advisors to us in order to implement our mental ideas.

Up to Sum

Validating the idea is one of the most important steps we should take before implementing our mental ideas. This method identifies opportunities and threats for us and paves the way to success. For this purpose, we need to go through steps such as determining the problem, examining existing solutions, evaluating possible solutions, interacting with the customer, etc.


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